Facebook makes Messenger smarter

Facebook is making it easier for brands and businesses to engage with consumers on Facebook Messenger.

According to a report on Business Insider, the company has launched several new tools and updates for Messenger. These include a natural language processing (NLP) tool that detects the context of a message before passing it along to a bot, together with additional call-to-action buttons in addition to the current ‘Send Message’ option. Businesses will also be able to create multiple experiences within a single bot.

The NLP tool recognises keywords such as hello and bye, as well as locations and email addresses, enabling the bot to take an educated guess at the nature of the user’s enquiry and help them find out what they need to know more quickly.

A new handover protocol will offer users a more seamless transition from dealing with a bot on a general enquiry, to a human being for more specific or complex questions. The new call-to-action buttons include ‘Shop Now’, ‘Get Support’, ‘Get Updates’, ‘Play Now’ and ‘Get Started’.

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