Is Snapchat Developing its Own Smart Glasses?

Snapchat Glasses

Snapchat is recruiting AR, VR and hardware experts, seemingly towards a smart glasses project.

The company is currently advertising a vacancy for a 3D computer vision engineer role, and CNET reports its recent hires including a recruiter for the HoloLens team at Microsoft, an engineering director from Qualcomms AR division Vuforia and and a designer of glasses frames for the likes of Michael Kors and Zac Posen.

Given the visual focus of Snapchats app, smart glasses that let users record and share what they saw seems like a sensible next move – especially given the the companys 2014 acquisition of Vergence Labs.

Vergence sold a line of video-recording glasses frames called Epiphany Eyewear, until it was picked up for a reported $15m. Around half of the team still work at Snapchat today, according to CNET.
