20 Per Cent of Consumers Decide Not to Buy After Showrooming on Mobile

Shopper Mobile Showrooming19.9 per cent of consumers decide not to buy a product after searching for details on their mobile in-store, according to research by performance marketing firm Tradedoubler.

A further 20 per cent end up leaving the store and making the purchase in a different store as a result of their mobile research, while 21.7 per cent make a purchase online using a PC or tablet. Interestingly, just eight per cent end up completing the purchase on the smartphone itself.

Worryingly for bricks and mortar retailers, only 19 per cent said they end up making the purchase in store after researching on mobile.

“The results reveal that the age of the omniconsumer is with us, and with 47 per cent of shoppers now turning to their smartphones to compare prices, mobile forms an integral part of the shopping cycle,” said Tradedoubler UK and Ireland regional director Dan Cohen. “Retailers need to remember that a smartphone-using consumer in their store is someone who is already interested in making a purchase from them. By providing targeted online offers, vouchers or coupons that can be redeemed in-store, they can help ensure in-store mobile consumers are converted to in-store customers.”