2ergo Offers Security Advice

Following the recent announcement of an investigation into the mobile phone hacking operation allegedly perpetrated by the News of the World, Mike Hawkes, Director of Innovations at 2ergo and Director of Security for the Mobile Data Association, has compiled a list of top tips for consumers and businesses who want to prevent unauthorised access of their private information…

1. Consider how information is stored on your handset. If you were to lose your handset, would someone else be able to easily access passwords, bank details, or other personal details?

2. Ensure your handset is password-protected and, if possible, encrypted.

3. Change your voice mail password. Users who fail to set a voice mail password are opening the door to would-be data thieves into their mail box, as networks will set all voice mail services with a default password that will remain the same until the user changes it directly.

4. Think before you accept downloads pushed to you. In the same way that you wouldnt download a programme from an unfamiliar source onto your computer, users need to consider the source of the content before installing on their handsets.

5. If your handset can access wi-fi, Bluetooth or other unprotected networks, think about the content you send and receive. While your provider network will protect you when you are accessing information on its network, any content you send or receive when connected to external networks like wi-fi is not secure.

6. Consider using one of a range of programmes that can help protect data from unauthorised use both on your mobile handset and when in transit.

This crisis has exposed once and for all the necessity for both individuals and consumers to protect content on their mobile handsets, says 2ergo Managing Director, Chris Brassington. Mobiles now act as laptops as well as phones. Make sure you are aware of the sheer extent of personal data you are storing and exchanging on your mobile, and take steps to prevent that from getting into the wrong hands. 2ergo has invested millions in innovating mobile security technology as it is critical to ensure everyone can benefit from the huge potential of mobile.