£350m of Tablet Sales in the UK during Q2

Apples results last week might have revealed a 14 per cent fall in sales of iPads, but in the UK, at least, tablet sales arent showing much sign of dropping off, according to exclusive research conducted for Mobile Marketing by market research agency GfK.

Tablets accounted for 60 per cent of all computing devices sold in the UK during Q2, 2013 – around 1.5m devices – and 45.5 per cent of the total value – approximately £350m.

Tablet sales are up 77.5 per cent year-on-year in terms of volume – though only by 24.9 per cent in value, presumably as prices drop and people increasingly adopt non-Apple devices.

According to GfK, growth is largely being driven by 7” devices, which account for 58.4 per cent of all tablets sold.


During Q2, around 4.5 million smartphones were sold, with the devices accounting for 75 per cent of the total handset market. 

The smartphone markets growth has begun to slow, with a year-on-year growth of 10 per cent. GfK believes this can be at least partially attributed to the two-year cycle of post-paid contracts – meaning remaining growth will have to come largely from the pre-paid market.