38 Per Cent of UK Jobs Would be Impossible Without Mobile Email

The average UK worker puts in more than three weeks of overtime a year by answering calls and emails at home, according to research from mobile security software company Good Technology. 93 per cent of people continue working when they have left the office, for a total of three hours and 31 minutes each week – add that up over the course of a year, and youre looking at the equivalent of 23 extra working days.

The research, which surveyed 1,000 randomly selected workers, found that 38 per cent believe their job would now be impossible without mobile email. For the most part, work and personal mobile usage are consolidated into a single device, with only 15 per cent of respondents carrying two phones.

“There was a time when it was difficult to continue working outside of the office without carrying a laptop.  But with today’s ‘always on’ society, people are pretty much working from the moment they wake up until the moment they fall asleep,” says Andy Jacques, Good Technology general manager of EMEA. “Smartphones and tablets have made it much easier to be able to work on the move, and that’s helping people choose when and where to get things done.  At the school gate, on the train or in the queue at the coffee shop, this new wave of connected device is enabling people to be more productive than ever before.”