3rd Space has appointed Adfrap as its global mobile ad network partner, targeting mobile ads through to the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) mobile internet portal and its iPhone and Android apps. This follows the announcement that the mobile division of state broadcaster CCTV is working exclusively with 3rd Space to give global brands and digital content owners access to China’s 850m plus mobile users through the CCTV mobile advertising platform.
Adfrap will work with western and Chinese brands along with other mobile ad networks to drive rich media campaigns across CCTV’s full range of mobile inventory, including traditional display banner and pre-, mid- and post-roll video ads. Advertisers will also be able to create and manage their own dedicated digital eco-systems within the CCTV portal – in the same way as sites such as YouTube.
According to CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) there are some 227m people in China who actively use the mobile internet, a figure that increased by 18 per cent over the first six months of last year alone, driven by the popularity of iPhone and Android devices.
With millions of unique visitors going to the CCTV free-to-view mobile portal every day or downloading the mobile apps for news, sport, business, weather and TV, 3rd Space and Adfrap say they are opening up exciting new opportunities to reach a growing and increasingly affluent Chinese market.
“We are delighted to have Adfrap on board,” says 3rd Space CEO, Warwick Hill. “With its rapidly growing ad network and industry experience, the Adfrap team will help us to accelerate acquisition and retention of brands looking to harness the Chinese market opportunity.”