4G Driving Increased Mobile Video Usage

YouTube Conchords
Google Video/YouTube is responsible for the majority of mobile video content

Mobile video remains the undisputed road hog when it comes to traffic over mobile networks, according to the latest Citrix Mobile Analytics report. On an average day, 52 per cent of mobile data traffic is video, the majority of which (81 per cent) is generated from video sites such as YouTube/Google Video, Netflix and Daily Motion. Citrix predicts that video will constitute 55 per cent of mobile traffic in 2015, due to faster networks and greater 4G device penetration.

YouTube session times remain shorter than Netflix over 4G networks; 81 per cent of YouTube sessions are five minutes or less, while 76 per cent of Netflix sessions are over five minutes. iOS users generate proportionally more video data volume (38 per cent) than users of Android devices at 27.5 per cent.

Measured by data volume, Google Video/YouTube generates the most mobile video content across all regions, ranging from 51 per cent in the Middle East, to 71 per cent in N. America. Other sites which generate significant volumes of mobile video data include Facebook, Vine, Instagram and a collection of adult content sites.

Looking at social networks in the round, including online and mobile, 87 per cent of social networking data volume can be attributed to video and images, with video contributing 47 per cent and images 40 per cent.

“LTE clearly drives increased demand for mobile video,” said Anna Yong, senior marketing manager, service provider platforms at Citrix. “On average, each subscriber makes 1.5 more requests for video content, and each request results in longer viewing times than 3G as demand shifts from more short form content such as that hosted by YouTube, to longer form content such as that hosted by Netflix.”

Theres more information about the report here.