67 Per Cent of UK Newspapers Readers from Mobile

The Mirror and The Independent are two of the biggest successes on mobile according to the report

67.2 per cent of the monthly audience for UK newspapers – some 31.3m people – consume articles on a mobile device, far outstripping the monthly desktop audience of 17.5m.

Thats according to the latest National Readership Survey figures, covering the period April 2014-March 2015, which name The Independent and Mirror as the biggest winners on mobile.

69.2 per cent of Independent readers (10.8m) access the publication via mobile, and 56.1 per cent (8.8m) are mobile-only users. For the Mirror, those same figures stand at 68 per cent (15.6m) and 53 per cent (12.2m) respectively.

The Daily Mail has the biggest mobile audience of any UK paper, at 19m (65.2 per cent of its total readership), but those readers are more likely to access the site or print edition as well – the mobile-only audience stands at a relatively low 11m (37.8 per cent).

Faring the worst when it comes to mobile are The Sun and Times, which have a mobile audience of just 660,000 (4.9 per cent of the total) and 442,000 (8.9 per cent) respectively, presumably due to the paywalls those sites have implemented.

Mobile is less of a factor when it comes to magazines, however, as print still rules. Just 38.1 per cent of the magazine-reading population do so on a mobile device, compared to 84.4 per cent reading print editions.

However, two publications stand out in this area: BBC Good Food and Cosmopolitan.

With a total monthly audience of 8.8m, Good Food is the largest magazine in the UK. 5.8m of those readers (65.9 per cent) access the publication via mobile – and 5m (56 per cent) on mobile exclusively.

Meanwhile, Cosmo has a smaller overall readership (3.7m) but the proportionally highest mobile (2.4m, 66.2 per cent of the total) and mobile-only (2.1m, 57.8 per cent) audience in the UK.