$83bn Sales Online During US Holiday Season

Adobe Digital Index$83bn (£58.6bn) was spent online in the US during the 2015 holiday season, from 1 November to 31 December 2015, according to figures from the Adobe Digital Index just released. That’s a new record for the holiday season, 12.7 per cent up on the previous year. Moreover, sales topped the $1bn mark on 31 days, compared to 25 days in 2014. The two-month period accounted for 28 per cent of all online sales in the US during 2015.

Smartphones dominated online shopping, driving 17 per cent of mobile sales, compared to 9 per cent in 2014. Tablets drove just 11 per cent of all mobile sales, a decrease of one percentage point compared to 2014 while 62 per cent of retail traffic was driven by mobile on Christmas Day, almost exceeding desktop and tablet traffic combined. Overall, throughout the holiday season, desktop accounted for 56 per cent of online retail traffic, while smartphones accounted for 39 per cent of visits and 17 per cent of sales.
While overall, iOS devices were responsible for more sales and traffic than Android, the average order value on tablets was higher on Android at $132 per visit, than on iPads at $114 per visit.

To compile the Index, Adobe studied aggregated and anonymous data from 1 trillion visits to more than 4,500 US retail sites, including 80 per cent of all online transactions from the top 100 US retailers, between 1 November and 31 December.