A Quarter of Zynga Users Come from Mobile
- Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
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In 2012, Zynga – the company which owns the Ville games, Words with Friends, and Draw Something franchises – saw 24 per cent of its monthly average come from mobile devices, according to its end-of-year results. Thats particularly impressive given that its most famous game, FarmVille, doesnt have a mobile incarnation.
According to comScore, mobile users spent more time playing games from Zynga than the next five game companies combined in December 2012. The results put its total number of users at 298m, 72m of which come from mobile.
Overall, Zyngas revenues for the whole of 2012 rose 12 per cent, to $1.3bn, but the company made a net loss of $209m.
“The biggest highlight of the quarter was seeing our team deliver a successful sequel in FarmVille2, a next generation social game that offers cutting edge 3-D experiences loved by millions of FarmVille fans,” said Mark Pincus, CEO and Founder, Zynga. “In 2013 were excited to bring this new class of social games to mobile phones and tablets and build a network that offers an easier, better way for people to play together.”