Access Co. Adds to Netfront Life Series

Access Co. has launched three new versions of its NetFront Life series apps for Android smartphones, writes Eva McGarr. The apps include NetFront Life Browser v2.0; NetFront Life Documents v2.0; and NetFront Life Screen v2.0. All three apps include integration with Evernote which synchronises all content captured across platforms, making it accessible from any mobile device or computer. These three apps are currently available for download on Android Market.

Access has also expanded its NetFront Life app series with the addition of NetFront Life Connect, which adds DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) functionality, enabling the seamless sharing of digital content, such as photos and music, on a user’s Android smartphone with other DLNA-certified devices within a home wi-fi network. For example, with NetFront Life Connect and a DLNA-certified TV or hi-fi, a user can send the photos on their smartphone to their TV for viewing, or send music files to their hi-fi for playback without the need for cables or any software or hardware compatibility issues. NetFront Life Connect also features client-side storage of content file data including titles, which facilitates rapid file access and playback. NetFront Life Connect will be available for download later this month.