Mobile Future Group (MFG) has revealed that its AD-X mobile app measurement tool has been certified and approved by 11 of the world’s largest mobile ad networks, including Adfonic, AdMob, Millennial Media, InMobi, Mojiva, YOC, O2, BlisMobile Media, Greystripe, JumpTap and Tapjoy.
In total, Ad-X is compatible with more than 60 ad networks worldwide; the certification signifies a deeper level of integration with the 11 ad networks in question, with additional reporting capabilities.
The mobile technology platform provides independent monitoring and tracking for mobile app promotion campaigns, and is also now compatible with over 60 mobile ad networks worldwide. The AD-X technology is also UDID-free, in line with recent privacy moves by Apple. AD-X is in the process of integrating Click-ID reporting with its mobile ad network partners.
MFG says the certifications mean that AD-X, launched in February 2012, has become the accepted industry standard tracker of app downloads, giving advertisers and agencies an independent mark of assurance about their app promotion campaigns. AD-X, which is data- and privacy-compliant and offers consumers an opt-out option; was able to track Android, iPad and iPhone mobile apps at launch. The platform now also supports Blackberry, Windows 7 and HTML5.
Wes Biggs, chief technical officer at Adfonic, says: “Our deep integration with AD-X provides brands and agencies with sophisticated tracking of in-app, post-download engagement metrics. It perfectly complements Adfonics global reach and advanced targeting, meaning we can provide real-time campaign optimisation.”
David Fieldhouse, chief marketing officer at MFG, adds: “The certification of AD-X with the major mobile advertising networks, combined with our agency and brand clients, consolidates our position as the standard within mobile. Our clients such as Isobar, M&C Saatchi and Priceline can now independently account for their mobile media spend and therefore grow their investment in the medium. The IAB’s latest mobile ad spend report highlighted the fact that 54 per cent of mobile display campaigns are focused on app promotion, so the previous lack of analytics has hindered growth within the industry.”