AdMob has released its Mobile Metrics report for May 2010. The report compares stats from May 2008 to show the trends at play in the mobile marketplace. AdMob, now owned by Google of course, says, however, that it will “take a break” from issuing the Mobile Metrics Report, “while we consider how to re-invent the report to make it more useful and relevant”.
The report reveals that in May 2008, smartphones generated 22 per cent of ad requests in AdMob’s network. In May 2010, it was 46 per cent, while the iPhone, iPod touch and Andoid generated 42 per cent of all ad requests worldwide. Two years previously, there were no Android phones, and iPhone and iPod touch accounted for just 1.3 per cent of worldwide requests.
Other highlights from the report include:
- 92 countries generated more than 10m monthly requests, up from 27 in May 2008
- Traffic from N. America, Asia, Western Europe, Latin America and Oceania all increased by a factor of at least 6x from May 2008 to May 2010
- Smartphones accounted for 46 per cent of traffic, feature phones for 42 per cent of traffic and Mobile Internet Devices for 12 per cent of traffic in May 2010
- Motorola feature phones were the top three devices in AdMob’s network in May 2008, but in May 2010 the only Motorola device in the top ten was the Droid
- The Nokia N70 was the No.1 smartphone in AdMob’s network in May 2008. It dropped to No.2 in May 2009 and down to No.4 in May 2010, but continues to be the top Nokia smartphone in AdMob’s network
- The Top 5 iPad countries in AdMob’s network, based on the number of unique devices, in May 2010, were the US (58 per cent), Japan (5 per cent), the UK (4 per cent), China (4 per cent), and Canada (3 per cent)
You can access the report, plus the report archive, here.