AIME Survey Looks at mCommerce

AIME (The Association for Interactive Media in Entertainment) has partnered the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG) and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) to conduct an mCommerce survey among over 10,000 industry contacts. The results of the study will offer participants an understanding of the market views of mobile commerce across merchants, retailers and media agencies, and will explore the trends in mobile commerce from AIME’s 2010 survey.

With on-bill payments already worth £500m per annum, and representing 1 per cent of online transactions, the report will also provide participants with insights into the expanding market opportunities for mPayments. This survey is part of AIMEs programme to work with partners and engage with a growing mainstream industry to educate and encourage uptake of interactive and micro billed services.

AIME has appointed eDigital Research to conduct the survey. All responses will remain confidential and anonymous and all data will be stored on a secure server, and be covered by the eDigital Research Privacy Policy.

The deadline to complete the survey is 12 noon, Wednesday 12 October. All respondents will receive a top line summary of the key findings. To take the survey, click here.