Cannes 2024: Amazon introduces cookieless ad-targeting solution

Amazon has launched Ad Relevance, a new ad-targeting solution that does not depend on cookies or other third-party identifiers.

Announcing the move at the 2024 Cannes Lions Festival, the tool taps AI to analyse billions of data points from the technology giant’s ecosystem including browsing, purchasing and streaming activities.

The data is then matched in real-time with the content a consumer is viewing.

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Following years of development, Ad Relevance has been tested on Amazon’s Audiences, Contextual Targeting and Performance+ offerings, with Amazon claiming the tool can enhance addressability for advertisers and reduce CPMs by up to 34%.

Initial results indicate that Ad Relevance can extend addressability for up to 65% of previously anonymous impressions under different targeting tactics, Amazon explained.

It also showed a reduction in CPMs and an 8.8% improvement in costs-per-click, with 100% budget delivery achieved.

Amazon DSP Products Director, Brian Tomasette, said: “The future of addressability and advertising technology will benefit customers, advertisers and publishers if done right, and we are continually exploring and inventing to navigate this interesting challenge.

“While we have made significant advancements, we are nowhere near finished. Amazon Ads will continue to be a centre of innovation in the advertising industry as we strive to create meaningful connections between customers and brands around the world.”