Android hits 850k Daily Activations

850,000 Android devices are activated every day, according to a blog post by Andy Rubin, Googles SVP of mobile and digital content, pushing the total number of handsets over 300m. Just a couple of months ago, the number of devices activated daily was 700,000, and in December 2010 was 300,000 – representing a year-on-year growth rate of more than 250 per cent.

The numbers of app on Android Market has tripled from a figure announced at last years MWC, to a total of over 450,000. After passing a total 10bn app downloads in December, there are now 1bn downloads every month.

Meanwhile, rumours abound over the release of Android 5.0, allegedly codenamed Jellybean – hinted at by a bowl of the sweets at Androids MWC stand, according to  – which could see release before the end of the year. And in his keynote MWC speech, Google chairman Eric Schmidt predicted that search will get increasing personal and that by next year, smartphones will be as cheap as feature phones.