Argos Launches Blippable Catalogue

Argos has worked with Blippar to create its first interactive print catalogue.

Customers who have downloaded the Blippar app can now scan pages of the Argos catalogue to see more product choices and information, how-to guides, demo videos and competitions. The content also takes browsers directly to the Argos mobile website where they can check and reserve products or buy them directly. The catalogues will launch in the North East on Saturday as part of a pilot scheme.

“Using Blippar’s image recognition platform, we’ve been able to build a bridge between our traditional physical publication and the digital world,” said Bertrand Bodson, digital director of Argos. “The technology allows us to ‘springboard’ users from the catalogue to our extended range online, where they can find even more choice, check and reserve and purchase products. It’s about creating a more interactive and joined up shopping experience for our customers and we’re very excited to see how they respond.”

Argos began repositioning itself as a digital rather than catalogue-led business late last year. It became the first advertiser in Europe to launch a Shazam for TV ad campaign and saw 10 per cent of its sales come from mobile in the financial year to March 2013.