AudioGO Makes Library Available on Audioboo

AudioGO – previously BBC AudioBooks – has invested in social sound platform Audioboo, and will be making its audiobook library – which covers BBC franchises including Doctor Who, Blackadder, and Yes Prime Minister – available to purchase through the Audioboo platform.

Users will be able to listen to sample chapters and extracts, and purchase the audiobooks via Audioboos payments system. Audioboo trialled a similar approach last year, with Robert Llewellyns The Man in the Rubber Mask.

AudioGO MD Mike Bowen commented: “Audioboo has been a ground-breaking presence in the spoken word space since its launch. We believe that the power of audio is a largely untapped resource in this social networking era, and will be working with Audioboo to develop its offering by making our audiobook library available to the platform on a revenue share basis.”