Avoiding Mobile UX Traps in the B2B Sector

Yesterday, Carin van Vuuren, chief marketing officer at Usablenet, provided us with a guide to UX traps that brands should avoid when designing retail apps. Now, the company is exploring how B2B firms can also benefit from refining their user experience.

Usablenet set out to understand how the B2B sector has approached the transition to mobile. With drastic advancements in mobile usage and overall capabilities, B2B buyers are beginning to expect the coherent, B2C-like user experiences that they embrace in their personal lives. Unfortunately, as a whole, the B2B sector has not yet fully embraced mobile.

The company conducted UX expert reviews on a selection of B2B mobile eCommerce sites to access the state of mobile usability in B2B. The assessments exposed actionable UX best practices and usability features that help convert and retain business buyers.

View the motion graphic below for the 4 traps that can derail a successful mobile experience and tips on how to avoid them.

This content was sponsored by Usablenet and is editorially independent from Mobile Marketing Magazine.