Awards Preview – Most Effective Integrated Campaign

Effective_Mobile_Marketing_Awards (5)The 2014 Effective Mobile Marketing Awards Ceremony takes place on 27 November in London. Between now and then, we are throwing the spotlight on the finalists in each of the 26 categories.

Today, we take a closer look at the nominees in the Most Effective Integrated Campaign category.

Mindshare and Unilever – Hellmanns Makes It
In order to increase their association between their mayonnaise and sandwiches, Hellmann’s used highly engaging rich media mobile formats to target mums using smartphones and tablets. The creative highlighted a variety of key words related to key sandwich fillers, accompanied with a ‘join the debate’ call to action.

John Lewis and Manning Gottlieb OMD – Christmas Bear and Hare
To support its Christmas Bear and Hare TV campaign, John Lewis wanted to expand the story of the two characters with an interactive eBook app. Because creative restrictions meant this app couldnt be promoted in the TV ad, Manning Gottlieb OMD leveraged Shazam. Whenever users scanned the Lily Allen track that appeared in the TV ad, they were prompted to download the eBook app, pushing it to the #2 position in the iPad Entertainment category. – Captain Obvious
The Obvious Eye Contact ad followed up the TV debut of Hotels.coms Captain Obvious character, tasked with both helping establish the character in the public consciousness and and promote the app. The campaign spanned online video, mobile, email, social, PR, radio and POS, boosting buzz and awareness of Captain Obvious, while driving a lift in downloads and mobile bookings.

OMD UK and McDonald’s UK – McFlurry Music Mix-Up
To drive summer sales of the McFlurry seasonal editions, McDonalds and OMD created exclusive video content featuring pop stars who appealed to the young adult target demographic. This could be accessed via a QR code on the side of the McFlurry packaging, marking the first time McDonald’s had linked a media campaign to in-restaurant purchases in the UK. 

OMD UK and Livity – NSPCC and Childline Zipit!
With research showing that 60 per cent of young people have been asked for a sexual image or video of themselves, ChildLine challenged OMD UK and youth marketing agency Livity to devise a campaign to educate teenagers on the issues around ‘sexting’. The Zipit app gave users a set of humorous images they could reply to these messages with.

Somo and Shop Direct – Christmas Campaign
With a brief that asked Somo to generate sales using mobile, with an ROI of 7:1, it planned and implemented a multifaceted mobile campaign. Somo planned mobile media activity to match customers cross-platform route to purchase, and aligned with’s online and TV on a second-screening basis.

You can see the full list of finalists in all categories here.

To book your place at the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards Ceremony, click here. To get involved with the Awards as a Partner, contact [email protected]