AXA UK launches ‘Future You will thank you’ Masterbrand campaign
- Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023
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Insurance firm, AXA UK, has rolled out a new Masterbrand campaign, ‘Future You will thank you’. The campaign is running across digital, AV and OOH, complemented by a media partnership with Channel 4 led by Starcom, extending the brand platform and using Channel 4 talent George Clarke, Scarlette Douglas and Jason Fox.
Developed by Fallon UK, the idea behind the campaign builds on the fact that insurance is something you get today for peace of mind, but really pays off in the future, if and when you need it, hence, ‘Future You will thank you’.
The hero 30” film produced by Pulse, opens with the calming, recognisable voice of comedian Ivan Battaliero-Owen (Ogmios Zen), who states: “AXA Insurance… good choice”, as a man takes out an insurance policy with AXA UK. The film then shows see the ‘future’ version of the man applauding his decision, followed by several more ‘future’ versions thanking him. Each scenario relates back to AXA UK’s home, car, business and health insurance offerings. The film ends with the image of all the man’s future versions of himself that needed insurance, thanking him enthusiastically.
The campaign is supported by digital and out of home which uses the group hug shot from the end of the film, with the campaign line ‘Future You will thank you’, and is complemented by animated 6-sheet OOH poster of the film, which bring the group hug to life.
As part of the partnership, Channel 4 created a series of contextual ads based on the original ‘Future You will thank you’ idea, featuring well-known Channel 4 personalities – George Clarke, Scarlette Douglas and Jason Fox. The ads bring the brand platform to life: showing the three celebrities reflecting on their careers and paths to success through these avenues, highlighting the message that our future selves will thank us for the good choices we make today. This launches in the first ad break during the Channel 4 programme George Clarke’s Old House, New Home this evening.
“This Masterbrand campaign aims to promote awareness of the breadth of insurance that AXA UK offers: home, car, health and business insurance,” said Barney Bailey, Brand & Sponsorship Director at AXA UK. “We used every tool in our arsenal to cut through in a competitive category by sweating our brand cues: from a creative idea that has a pure product and consumer insight at its heart, to a production technique that delivers standout and a media strategy that extends the idea beyond the traditional formats.”