MTV Networks UK & Ireland has announced a partnership with Bango in which Bango will provide browse and buy technology to power MTVs newly-launched WAP site. The portal is designed to enhance mobile phone users experience of the MTV brand, through music and entertainment videos, news, competitions and downloads, across the UK and Ireland.
MTVs WAP site will engage directly with its viewers in order to promote and sell digital content to users across all the mobile networks. Built by Entriq, MTV WAP features Bangos browse and buy technology, enabling users to pay for and download content in just two steps. Bango says its technology will lead to a streamlined user experience, which in turn will generate a long-term relationship for consumers across the board.
Its very exciting to be able to deliver the MTV brand on to the mobile phones of our viewers, says Angel Gambino, VP of Commercial, Strategy and Digital Media at MTV. Bango has introduced the use of the mobile Internet in content sales to enrich our consumers experience of MTV content.
By building its service on a mobile Internet model, MTV benefits from the Internets networking effect, where users not only get a great browse and buy shopping experience but can also discover the site by browsing in from a mobile search engine or clicking on a mobile advertisement.
Content providers sign up for the Bango Service by registering online. Bango provides global WAP billing and promotional tools that allow consumers to pay for off-portal content without leaving their mobile browser session. In addition to operator billing, consumers can pay using Premium SMS, credit/debit card and PayPal so content providers can sell directly to consumers on any phone network world-wide. Bango is used to pay for mobile content by customers in more than 130 countries, across 250 operators.