Bing Testing Native Ads and Mobile App Extensions
- Thursday, February 5th, 2015
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Microsoft is to begin testing native ads for its Bing Ads search advertising platform, with plans to introduce mobile app extensions and a retargeting tool during the first half of 2015.
Initial testing for the native ads will begin on in Q2 2015, with plans to extend the functionality to other platforms, according to reports by MediaPost. By the end of the year, a beta-tested version will be rolled out. Research by eMarketer suggests that the market for native advertising will grow from $2.2bn (£1.44bn) in 2013 to $8.8bn by 2018.
Native advertising may even be extended onto wearable devices. Steve Sirich, general manager for Bing Ads product marketing, claimed that there were no plans to serve ads onto Microsofts Fit Band, but that an opportunity in the wearable area may exist, and the company is looking into other areas to extend the ad format.
In addition, the company is looking into releasing a mobile app extension for developers, followed by an app install extension. These tools will start rolling out in March, with support for apps served across Apple, Android and Windows phones.
Microsoft is also planning on introducing a retargeting tool for Bing Ads, as part of the Universal Tracking Platform is launched in October. A pilot scheme will begin next week, selecting a small set of partners to test the technology.