BJLs UCLan Campaign a Hit with Blyk Users

A campaign to promote UCLans (University of Central Lancashire)
clearing places has been voted Campaign of the Month by Blyk mobile
users. Blyk users received adbvertising on their phone in return for
free talk time and texts. UCLan joins the ranks of COI, Lucozade and
EMI who have all previously won this accolade from Blyks mobile
audience. The campaign was created by Manchester ad agency BJL,  with planning by Mediacom.
Its great to have feedback directly from the audience you are trying
to motivate, says UCLan Marketing Director, Phil Chapman. The
creative was very different to standard clearing campaigns and across
its many media, from large format outdoor to tiny mobile screens, it
achieved great cut-through.
Charlotte Thompson, Director at BJL, adds:
with youth audiences on a tiny screen while they are texting their
mates is challenging. In intimate media like mobile, if youre going to
interrupt people you had better be entertaining. The vote is great to
receive and even better is the volume of enquiries that came off the
back of the campaign.