Book Offers Advice on HTML5 Design

HTML5 is rapidly evolving to tackle real and practical improvements to the web’s platform. The dedicated minds that have designed HTML5 to codify de facto standards, standards that have been in use for years, are laying the groundwork for next-generation web applications. Making use of HTML5’s features means a more engaging and responsive web experience for users, and far less coding for programmers.

So says Peter Lubbers, director of documentation and training at Kaazing, and co-author, with Brian Albers and Frank Salim, of a new book on HTML 5, published by Apress. The book, Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development, explains how to use HTML5 web technology to build web applications with unparalleled functionality, speed, and responsiveness. The book covers all the new HTML5 APIs and explains how to create real-time HTML5 applications that tap the full potential of modern browsers, with practical, real-world examples of HTML5 features in action.

“HTML5 is brand new and ready for anyone looking for an extra edge to make web applications stand above the rest,” says Lubbers. “With this major revision of HTML, web applications take on a power, ease, scalability, and responsiveness like never before.” 

The book is on sale now at £35.49 for the hard copy version, or $31.49 (£19.75) for the e-version. There’s more information here.