Brits are Luddites Shock

Over half (53%) of Brits feel that modern technology has become too complicated, and could turn their back on technology, according to a report from PayPal, the online payments provider. PayPal says the figures are so worrying that it has launched a website dedicated to testing and improving the UKs tech knowledge or TQ.
The reports findings demonstrate that technology is increasingly pervading our lives with 70% now regularly using a computer, almost three quarters (74%) a mobile phone, and 77% a DVD player or recorder. There has, however, been less widespread adoption of newer technologies with a quarter (27%) regularly using an MP3 player and only 3% a BlackBerry. A representative sample of 1,010 British adults over the age of 16 was interviewed by telephone by PhoneBus in December 2006 in order to produce the report.
While the mobile phone is now ubiquitous, says PayPal, many consumers remain baffled by most of its features. 61% of users use only four features on their mobile – calls, text, alarm clock and camera – while 40% dont know if their mobile phone has a camera function.
Its a worrying sign for Britain that so many of us are baffled and therefore turned off by technology says Neil Edwards, PayPals Technology Expert. (You mean they only have one Ed.)  Theres no hiding from technology, so burying your head in the sand wont make it go away. We all must embrace technology or risk becoming the tech illiterates of the world.