Celltick has launched Start, an Android launcher which enables users to view updates and access apps directly from their lockscreen. The app is customisable, but also uses a recommendation engine to configure itself and serve notifications based on user behaviour.
While it will be available for free download, Starts real potential seems to lie with partnered companies – manufacturers and operators in particular – preinstalling the app on devices as a value-add. These partners will also be able to monetise the service through search, display ads, app promotions and mCommerce.
“The average person interacts with their smartphone about 150 times per day,” says Ronen Daniel, CEO of Celltick. “We created Start to help consumers maximize every engagement they have with their device while ensuring that our partners can leverage it for the best of the ecosystem. For us, it was about developing a cool, personalized platform that provides all the relevant information for individuals with a single finger swipe at the start screen.”
Celltick says it has so far partnered with more than 15 companies, including Yahoo and ESPN, to distribute Start to users worldwide.