Christmas Cards Go Mobile

Mobile messaging service provider Fun Text reports that a record number of mobile Christmas cards were sent this holiday season. Not only does this show how MMS is taking off, the company says; its also a greener way of communicating around the festive period, replacing paper cards.
Wed sent over 100,000 multimedia cards long before the festive day arrived, says Fun Text Business Development Director, James Pycock. Personally I already receive more ecards than paper cards at Christmas and mobile is the next wave for the digital generation. Mobile communications are simple, fast, dont require franking or postage, and transcend geographical boundaries.
Fun Text adds that for mobile operators, encouraging users to send MMS is a key area that needs attention. By tying MMS into events and festive seasons, operators can see the return on investment as mobile users rely on these to convey goodwill messages, rather than sending paper cards.
With MMS now widely available, the use of multimedia mobile messaging at Christmas is growing. Fun Text provides easy access to galleries of professional content, such as greetings cards, designed for MMS. The Fun Text solution, available on a range of handsets including models from Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Samsung, provides integrated access across clients (Java, Symbian and Brew) as well as Wap and web storefronts. It is deployed by carriers such as Sprint, T-Mobile and 3. The service is offered from the messaging menu of many handsets and displays managed galleries of online professional content for fun, social and emotional messaging.