Co-op Introduces Trolley-Mounted Tablets to Gather Feedback
- Monday, July 28th, 2014
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The Co-operative Group is introducing trolley-mounted tablets into its supermarkets that customers can use to express their views on products and services while they shop.
The scheme is being trialled in selected Co-op Food branches to measure its impact. The tablets, which are bolted onto the trolleys handle, will prompt customers at various points around the store to answer questions on the shops layout, product ranges and social issues like sustainable food, localism and youth unemployment.
The Co-operative plans on using the data accrued to inform what it offers to customers, in terms of products it stocks, the in-store experience for shoppers and how its business impacts the broader community. The group, which has faced controversy in recent years, is currently undergoing a group-wide drive to improve its business.
“If we are to fulfill our ambition to be the UKs best local food retailer, it is really important that we know what our members think about our stores and act upon their feedback,” said Andrew Mann, the Co-operative Foods customer director. “The hi-tech trolleys not only make it easy for customers to tell us about their shopping experience, but because the information is collated digitally, we can access what they say almost instantly.”