Comic Relief App Blows its Way to the Top of the App Store

Flatulence-themed charity app Britain’s Biggest Fart for Comic Relief has risen to the top spot in the UK App Stores Entertainment category.

The free iOS and Android app, created by Shoreditch-based TheGivingLab, has been downloaded a total of 75,000 times since its release less than a month ago.

Downloads have been driven by a mobile ad campaign running on more than £55,000 of media mobile inventory, donated by mobile publishers and advertising networks including Mojiva, Greystripe, Surikate, Inmobi, AppGratis, Haymarket, The Guardian and IPC Media.

The campaign, created by marketing agency M&C Saatchi Mobile, utilises expandable rich media banners to drive participants to a landing page with a what kind of farter are you? quiz, before prompting them to download the app.

Ths app generates a unique shortcode which can be shared via a Facebook app, to encourage friends to send an audio fart to the users app by donating £1 to the cause.

“M&C Saatchi Mobile is very proud to support Red Nose Day and to have been a part of the success in getting the app to the number one spot,” said James Hilton, Global CEO of M&C Saatchi Mobile. “It is through the generosity and hard work of the advertising networks that have kindly donated inventory that we have collectively been able to drive the app to the top of the charts in the UK, which was our intent.”