CommonTime Releases mService 2.0

CommonTime, which provides enterprise mobility solutions, has announced the release of the latest version its mobile field service application, mService 2.0.
CommonTime has been delivering mobile solutions to enterprise customers for over 12 years and continues to recognize the value of a properly equipped field service team. CommonTime enables organizations to efficiently and effectively utilize mobile technologies in the field to establish consistency, improve quality of data, drastically decrease operational costs, and increase profitability.
Built on CommonTime's mSuite mobile platform, mService 2.0 is an end-to-end solution for organizations requiring a flexible mobile service application, full enterprise device management, email and IM integration, end-to-end security, remote device management and back-end data connectors.
As more and more organizations are tasked with reducing operational costs to improve profitability in these tight economic conditions, it's imperative that we continue to innovate our mobile solution offerings to allow our customers to accomplish this more efficiently and effectively than ever before, says Joe Watterson, VP Sales Operations at CommonTime. We are pleased to be releasing mService 2.0 and continue our commitment to mobilizing business applications.
One company using the mSuite platform to good effect is US firm Chardon Laboratories, which provides sustainable water treatment systems solutions. Its PowerPure product is a green, sustainable, chemical-free solution for cooling tower water treatment.
The mSuite solution from CommonTime has allowed us to eliminate the inefficiencies in our old paper-based system, says Chardon Laboratories Vice President, Vince Resor. By going mobile with CommonTime, we have not only saved time and money, but also found that we have been able to be more responsive to our customers, which has greatly improved the quality of service we have been able to deliver to them. We see this as a win-win for everyone involved.