Conference Looks at Pricing and Bundling

Informa Telecoms & Media is staging a Mobile Pricing & Bundling conference from 21 – 23 May 2007, at the Holiday Inn, Regents Park, London. Informa says the conference, now in its 12th year, is the only event dedicated to the mobile pricing community.
The conference will explain how to establish successful pricing models for bundled services; implement flat-rate pricing; profit from successful data-pricing initiatives; attract and reward the right customers with compelling offers; comply with new European Roaming regulations; and leverage the value of the MVNO opportunity.
Speakers will discuss the key pricing and service bundling challenges that are pertinent to mobile operators in 2007, including  convergence, MVNO competitive discounting, mobile number portability and more. The conference programme will also look at  the role that emerging triple- and quad-play business models play in the market and at how to price offers at the optimum level to drive revenues.
Speakers include Robin Tucker, Head of Consumer Strategy & Pricing at Vodafone, Rob Wells, Head of Mobile Broadband and X Series at 3 UK, Bartolome Salas-Manzanedo, Director, Value Added Services, Mobile Broadband & Convergence at Orange Spain, and Marcin Kolenda, Pricing Specialist at tech consultancy ERA.
Prices range from 699 (+VAT) for one day, to 2,499 for all four days, including the post-conference workshop. Theres a 3-for-2 offer for anyone booking for two days or more. Prices increase after 26 March.
You can get more information and download a brochure here.