Cross-platform Mobile Advertising Hits The miSpot

GoldSpot Media has unveiled its miSpot 4.0 mobile advertising solution, developed to enable both publishers and advertisers to design and manage rich media and video ad campaigns from a sole web interface, writes Martin Conway.

The cross-platform tool allows for campaigns to be coordinated, both in-application and on the mobile web, across a variety of smartphone and tablet types. The solution features the capability to track the progress of campaigns across ad networks and publishers’ sites and apps, and has been formulated to instantly display mobile video ads, eliminating wait time for what GoldSpot dubs “hit-and-miss ad streaming.”

“With miSpot 4.0, advertisers can repurpose their existing Internet Advertising Bureau [IAB] rich media assets and TV/web web video ads easily,” comments Srini Dharmaji, GoldSpot CEO and founder.