Debenhams is the latest retailer to join forces with money-saving mobile firm Vouchercloud, offering its users a 10 per cent discount in its stores.
Vouchercloud launched in February as the UK’s first mobile discounts app for the iPhone – using GPS technology to deliver offers and discounts directly to users’ phone screens in seconds. The service is now also available via SMS to any phone with a web browser.
Vouchercloud delivers savings across many popular activities, including dining, drinking, shopping, days out and visiting the cinema. To date, Vouchercloud estimates its iPhone app has saved users in the UK over £5m on everything from coffee and pizzas to hotel stays and driving lessons.
“We’re very excited to be part of the vouchercloud phenomenon which seems to be sweeping the country,” says Debenhams spokesmwoman, Dominique Rock. “We already have a close relationship with our customers and Vouchercloud enables us to reward them for their custom easily and quickly.”
The 10 per Vouchercloud discount is valid until 12 November.