Disney expands CTV strategy with ‘advergaming’ launch

Disney has expanded its connected TV (CTV) strategy with the launch of new ad formats that incorporate games and shoppable features.

In partnership with AI company Kerv, its expanded range of CTV shoppable formats, Sync, L-Bar, and Impulse, are now available across the technology giant’s portfolio, including Disney+ and its marketplace.

Each format uses dynamic QR codes, custom graphics, or product carousels.

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The Impulse format, launched exclusively with Disney in April, was tested by Target and Nespresso, allowing consumers to learn more or purchase products directly from the advertiser’s website.

Meanwhile, the new “advergaming” formats are being introduced exclusively on Hulu and ESPN through a partnership with BrightLine, which allows viewers to be engaged longer and drive them to offsite purchases via QR codes.

These formats, Quiz Show and Beat the Clock enable remote control interactivity directly with TV screens.

Disney SVP of Addressable Sales, Jamie Power, said: “Brands come to Disney with the intent of delivering new, unique advertising experiences for consumers that both drive engagement and provide a seamless viewing experience.

“Offering expanded shoppable ads and advergaming formats to marketers will allow them to connect with audiences in a more differentiated and dynamic way.”

Kerv Chief Innovation Officer, Marika Roque, concluded: “We are thrilled to partner with Disney to bring the next generation of interoperable, advanced creative, and shoppable media to CTV and streaming.

“AI-powered shoppability is the magic wand that bridges the gap between consumers and brands, allowing them to connect effortlessly in the moment. By bringing together Kerv’s technology and Disney’s shoppable ad experience, we can instantly correlate premium on-screen moments to the best in-stock products, making our consumer’s commerce experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.”