Dominos Brings Pizza Delivery to Amazon Echo

Amazon EchoOver the past couple of years, Dominos Pizza has been gradually rolling out its Easy Order one-touch order service to every digital platform imaginable, from Apple Watch to Twitter, Xbox One to a dedicated smart button. In time for this Sundays Super Bowl, its just added yet another device to that list: the Amazon Echo.

The Echo is a voice-controlled smart home hub, resembling a speaker in shape, loaded with the Amazons virtual personal assistant, Alexa.

Echo owners can enable the Easy Order skill by linking their Amazon Alexa and Dominos Profile. If they enter the phone number associated with their order, Echo can also provide live delivery status updates.

“Ordering via Amazon Echo marks Dominos eighth platform in the suite of AnyWare technology,” said Dennis Maloney, Dominos vice president and chief digital officer. “We want to continue making ordering pizza as convenient as possible, and this is no exception. Customers can order from anywhere they are, including from the comfort of their couch while watching Sundays football game.”

The Super Bowl is, as you might expect, one of the busiest delivery days of the year for Dominos. It expects orders to be five times higher than a typical Sunday, selling 12m slices of pizza – or around 1.5m actual pizzas, by our calculations – and 4m chicken wings during game day.