Du Rolls Out Openwave Smart Policy

United Arab Emirates telco du has deployed Openwave Systems Smart Policy solution. Smart Policy monitors user activity on a network and can inform users when time or data limits are approached. The service can also be used to inform customers of changes to tariffs and other services. The solution allows users to manage their service plans directly, with on-demand access to time and/or volume meters and options to upgrade services. 

“Customer convenience and a superior user experience are the top priorities for us at du and we continuously invest in our infrastructure to make it possible,” says Hatem Bamatraf, senior VP of network development at du. “We have already deployed several of Openwaves traffic mediation and data optimisation solutions, and felt confident in selecting Openwave Smart Policy to help us provide our customers with a higher quality experience and more service plan choices, while maintaining simplicity.” 

“All around the world, operators are experiencing a tremendous uptake in data services, fuelling a desire to optimise the mobile data experience for their customers,” says John Giere, senior vice president of products and marketing at Openwave. “The Openwave traffic-mediation and data-optimisation platform deployed at du provides a flexible platform that enables the company to introduce customer experience-enhancing applications like Smart Policy, without service interruption. It also enables them to create custom plans that can effectively target nearly every lifestyle.”