EE is hosting its first ever 4G hackathon designed to create the next generation of enterprise apps in just 36 hours.
Experts from EE, Google and Mubaloo will judge the competing teams, who have been asked to think about real-time collaboration for the business or public sector, along with augmented reality enterprise apps ahead of the event.
Prizes include a 12-month 4GEE mobile wi-fi contract with 50GB data every month for each participant in the three top teams, £500 worth of Amazon, iTunes and Play Store vouchers for the overall student team winner and £1500 of Amazon, iTunes and Play Store vouchers for the overall business focus app team winner.
EE has not yet revealed which companies and public bodies APIs the participants will have access to during the hack but the operator has promised ‘something special’. The volunteers will be given a Huawei mobile wi-fi handset to use for designing and testing their products over the weekend.
The event will take place on the weekend of 22 June at the Westminster Hub on Haymarket, with particpants encouraged to bring a sleeping bag and bed down together overnight. Free booze and food is also on offer for the participants and the event is free.
“Through our partnership with EE to build custom apps for business customers, our team understands how to design apps that make the most out of 4G,” said Mark Mason, CEO of Mubaloo. “Weve helped EE define the themes and select API partners that will help developers over the weekend to create innovative apps. In addition to being one of the judges, Mubaloo is sending a team of developers to take part and a few more who will be there to help other teams. Were greatly looking forward to seeing what people can come up with over the 30 hours.”