Ericsson and Mobizzy Launch ad-broking Platform
- Friday, February 4th, 2011
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Ericsson has tied up with advertising firm Mobizzy in Poland to create a new mobile marketing and advertising platform called Admarket. Ericsson says that Admarket will operate as a broker, promoting new business models towards the advertising and media industry, whilst keeping telecom operators in the value chain.
AdMarket enables brands to reach their audience on mobile via banner ads, messaging, Location-based Services, with more features to be rolled out in due course, while for publishers, the platform offers a new opportunity to monetize their inventory.
“This is an innovative business model, and Ericsson has now taken multimedia solutions beyond our traditional operator customers, and established a new type of telecoms partnership,” says Staffan Henriksson, president of Ericsson in Poland. “AdMarket, works as an advertising broker, and will develop based on experiences from the Internet advertising market and from a vast network of partners in the media and advertising business.”