Eurovision Gets Second-screen Voting and Karaoke App

EurovisionLaunchImage2The European Broadcasting Union has partnered with Microsoft to launch an official app for the Eurovision Song Contest 2015.

On TV, Eurovision attracts an audience of around 200m each year, and Microsoft says it anticipates over 1m downloads of the app.

Developed with Digame Mobile, the app leverages Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform and is initially launching only on Windows Phone. Thats highly unusual for a high-profile app, but the window of exclusivity wont last long – Android and iOS versions are set to follow tomorrow.

Currently, the app includes news about the contest, a simple game which matches the user with a decade from Eurovisions history, and a shop where users can buy digital versions of the songs from the Contest, including karaoke versions, as well as physical merchandise.

More interesting, though, are the second-screening features due to be added in a May update, in time for Eurovisions TV airing. This will show details about the performers and songs currently on-screen, as well as lyrics to let viewers sing along.

It will also be possible to place a vote for a country in-app – charged at local rates – and users will be rewarded with a video message from their chosen artist.