Fiksu Report Highlights Strong Facebook Audience Network Performance

Facebook app install adFiksu has published a report, Facebook Audience Network Investigation – Value Beyond CPI, which reveals performance differences between Facebook Audience Network ads, traditional Facebook News Feed ads and other display networks. The report includes side-by-side comparisons of app marketing data from Fiksu clients that ran campaigns on both Facebook traffic sources as well as display ads, showing that Facebook Audience Network delivers clear value beyond simple metrics like Cost Per Install (CPI).

“The Facebook Audience Network provides value to marketers well beyond the app install,” said Sriram Krishnan, product manager, Facebook. “It was most interesting to see the conversion and LTV (lifetime value) results come through so favourably in their research, further validating that the targeting power of the network was in line with News Feed and far better than display networks.”

Fiksu’s research shows the engagement power of the Facebook Audience Network in attracting loyal, high-quality users despite higher CPIs than traditional Facebook News Feed ads.

The report reveals a high number of returning users, 25 per cent higher than display and just five per cent lower than Facebook News Feed. It also shows a drastically lower cost per purchasing user. While Facebook News Feed drove the lowest cost per purchaser, Facebook Audience Network was only one fifth of the cost of its display counterpart.

The data also reveals increased revenue per purchasing user, $3.64 on Audience Network, compared to just $0.15 on display traffic , presenting marketers with a 24x increase in revenue potential. News Feed revenue was also strong in comparison to display, at $1.63, but didnt match the Audience Network results. These results, says Fiksu, highlight the value of the loyal, high-quality users that can be found on the Facebook Audience Network.

Finally, while clickthrough rates were consistently lower on Audience Network, the conversion rate was nearly 10 per cent higher than News Feed and 25 per cent higher than display. This demonstrates the power of Audience Networks targeting capabilities, says Fiksu, as the users who did click had a much higher propensity to be the right users.

“The research proves that the latest addition to Facebooks mobile app ads, Audience Network, can be successful across a range of apps, thanks to the comprehensive tools they provide for segmentation and targeting,” said Fiksu chief strategy officer, Craig Palli. “As our report indicates, it makes sense for marketers to spend more per click on Facebook properties since the ROI will be significantly better due to the value of that segmentation, context and timing.”

You can download the full report here.