Filmnight Launches Saffron Digital Agency

Filmnight Digital has announced the launch of its mobile services agency Saffron Digital.  Drawing on its proprietary content management and delivery platform, Saffron Digital will offer managed platform and content services to operators, media owners and content owners.
The launch of the agency follows Filmnight Digitals success in aggregating and developing film-related mobile content, delivering film-related retail services online and providing white-label film services to online portals. Saffron Digital will provide managed platform and content services to a growing list of clients outside the film industry.
“Saffron Digital draws from Filmnights strong heritage of quality content, innovative technology and key industry alliances, without restricting itself to solely film-related services, says Head of Saffron Digital,  David McDonald. However, the new agency offers more than technical expertise the Filmnight Groups own retail-based background gives us the insight required to develop holistic, saleable content solutions for brand owners and mobile operators who want to access new channels of communication, but who dont necessarily have the capabilities to do so.
The evolution of Saffron Digital from the Filmnight Digital business began when products and services that were initially developed for film-related clients were adapted for non-film brand-owners such as EMAP, IPC Media and Universal Comedy.
Central to the launch of the agency is its proprietary technology platform, known as Aurora. Aurora is a carrier-grade platform, providing converged services for both mobile and online, including streaming and even Video on Demand (VoD) across mobile and online.
Aurora offers other capabilities too. A Long Pause and Resume function allows mobile consumers to break and recommence streaming sessions at their convenience. Unlike existing Pause features on handsets, Long Pause and Resume is not affected by any other function on the phone, so consumers can pause viewing and make or take a call without losing the paused position. They can also re-enter the stream at the point at which they left (or lost coverage), or select from a chapter menu.
Dual Download enables customers to purchase and download content both to their mobile and to their PC for a single price, then access it through whichever medium they prefer.
Finally, Aurora offers the ability to simultaneously publish mobile content and services on mobile and web from one point on the content management system.
The key function of Saffron Digital says McDonald, is to harness the technological functionality of the Aurora platform to provide added-value services and assist our clients in achieving their commercial and brand objectives.