flook has added smart search features to its local discovery tool that allows users to find what is close to them more easily in real time. The updated version of the iPhone app is available now from the Apple App Store.
flook presents search results as a series of ‘flook cards’. The new features allow a user to refine and filter the things they see by card type, search terms or user name. Each of the features work in concert, simultaneously. For example, users can now find Food & Drink flook cards by “Jane” that mention the word “curry”. Users can also choose multiple flook card types or exclude things they are not in the mood for.
Cards are presented in distance order, and also by “newness” and by what is most relevant to the user. Searches are stored in the app’s memory so users can quickly search for the same item, such as a museum or particular type of restaurant, as they move around a city. Other flook 1.5 feature updates include enhanced graphics and a “vastly improved” startup time to make finding and creating cards faster.
Since its launch in the winter of 2009, flook has added nine content partners, including Postal Heritage, British Library, Henley Arts Trail, NextStop, and REVEAL King’s Cross, which give users access to exclusive content in addition to user-generated content.
“flook has always allowed users to find out the cool stuff that is near to them,” says co-founder Roger Nolan. “Our new smart search features are an extension and evolution of our native discovery engine – flook now gives users the ability to filter their results to find just the kinds of things they are in the mood for. Location is the buzzword at the moment with many apps using these capabilities, but the unique and great thing about flook is that users don’t have to check in or give up any of their privacy to use the app. Its about discovering the cool stuff our content partners and other users know about thats right on your doorstep.”