Folk Rocker goes Mobile

Funk folk rocker Julia Harris is taking her marketing campaign straight to mobile, with the support of interactive mobile company, Dialogue Communications.
Dialogue worked with creative agency Sonaa, providing them with a toolset to create a mobile content site for the singer from Cardiff, as she looks to build her fan base and promote her latest single via mobile. The mobile site went live a couple of weeks ago, before a gig in Cardiff, and Dialogue is looking to launch other marketing campaigns later in the year, as Julia tours the UK.
Julia has recognised the growing mobile market as the primary means to reach her fans says Dialogue MD Paul Griffiths. This is an area that many artists initially overlook, but Julia wanted to do something different to raise her profile.
Users are driven to the site by texting Julia to 80010. Dialogue is also providing a database builder, so that the singer can communicate with her fan base, promoting relevant information and content. The site includes news and wallpaper and music track downloads.
The mobile market is becoming a popular channel for many artists looking to raise awareness of their music, along with providing a platform to generate extra revenues through premium downloads. As with most up-and-coming artists, Harris also has a MySpace site, but over the coming months is focusing her marketing efforts on mobile campaigns. She says:
The entertainment market is growing way beyond fans just buying CDs, and the mobile market is now a key growth area. Fans want to buy ringtones and photos and interact with their favourite artists. Dialogue has provided me with different avenues to reach my fan base and help raise my profile and awareness of my songs. Im really excited about being able to interact with those whore interested in me and what I do I think mobile sites will open a whole new world for artists like me who want to interact with their fans.”