Were currently working on an updated Media Pack for Mobile Marketing Magazine and looking to garner some feedback from some real readers. Last time round, we made all the quotes up, but we found it increasingly difficult to think of real-sounding names and job titles. And dont get us started on the company names. (Im in two minds about whether I need to spell out that this is a joke; OK Ive decided I dont need to – Ed.)
So this time round we thought we would see if a few of our readers were prepared to tell us in a line or two why they come back to the site and what they like about it. Feel free to tell us what you dont like as well. We probably wont use that in the promotional material, but it might give us a chance to put it right.
If you have a minute, please just drop us a quick email, complete with your name, company name and job title. Fame, fortune, or at least the chance of a small mention of a place in our Media Pack, beckon. And if youre asking yourself: Why should I? just think of it as a small price to pay for the in-depth coverage of the mobile marketing scene that we attempt to bring you every day.
Thanks in anticipation of your help.
David Murphy