Glass Gets Remote Control with App Update

Google has updated MyGlass, the Android app required to pair a smartphone with the wearable device, with remote control capability.

Previously, the app was used to set up and configure Glass, tether it to a mobile data connection and screencast what the wearer is seeing on the phones display. Users will now be able to interact with Glass using touch and gesture navigation. 

This should make the wearable device – which has a limited number of buttons and gestures available to the user – easier to use, and less reliant on voice commands. Good news for Glass owners, but potentially not so welcome for anyone worried about its potential for surreptitiously taking photos.

This addition is the latest of many Glass update from Google, as it seeks to hone the device in its Explorer stage, before making it available to the public.

You can read our impressions of the device in the latest issue of the magazine, available to read online here.