Google is working on an ad blocking feature for its Chrome browser

GoogleGoogle allegedly has plans to introduce an ad blocking feature to its Chrome web browser on both mobile and desktop, which may be switched on by default.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Google are still working to get things right, and may still decide not to implement the ad blocker on its browser. If it does choose to introduce the ad blocker, however, it will only block ads deemed to provide bad experiences for users – meaning it’s not as counter-intuitive as it sounds.

The ads deemed to provide bad experiences by Google would fall in line with those that were defined by the Coalition of Better Ads last month. The group identified that ad formats such as pop-ups, prestitial ads, auto-play video ads with sound, flashing animated ads, and large sticky ads, all fell short of initial advertising standards.

It is reported that Google may consider blocking all advertising that appears on sites with offending ads, rather than only blocking individual offending ads themselves. This would mean all site owners would have to ensure all their ads meet the standards laid out by the Coalition.

According to a IAB UK figures, around 22 per cent of British adults use ad blocking software – a figure that has remained more-or-less consistent since early 2016.

Google hopes that its potential ad blocking feature could prevent people from using third-party ad blocking software altogether and, in turn, continue the ad revenues flowing in for the tech giant.