Greystripe has launched a video ad format for iOS, Android, and the mobile web. The format has undergone three months of beta testing, and is now ready to deliver video ads.
Advertisers can supply Greystripe with up to 30 seconds of video in any format, and the ad company will format it for use on its platform. The ads can be served to over a billion monthly ad slots in both apps and on mobile websites, says Greystripe.
“Over the past six months, we have seen increasing demand for mobile video advertising from our brand clients,” says Greystripe general manager Michael Chang. “We expect mobile video ads to be a major growth driver as we head into peak advertising season at the end of the year.”
During beta testing, the video ads achieved a 57 per cent completion rate, compared with a 42 per cent completion rate for online video ads of the same size. The video ads also achieved average click-through rates that were three to five times the click-through rate that static images of the same size generate.
The ads are supported by Greystripes existing SDK.