Hershey’s Ads Come to the Android Lock Screen

Locket has signed up another high profile US brand to try out its ‘first glance’ lock screen advertising, partnering with Hershey’s Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker to deliver an exclusive event offer.

The ads, shown on the lock screen of Android users via the Locket app, advertise a chocolate and wine tasting experience. Locket users get a money-off deal and the opportunity to share a private tasting with the founder of the chocolate brand.

“It’s about time that we get creative with marketing on mobile’s limited real estate, and expand beyond banners and pop up ads,” said Yunha Kim, CEO and cofounder of Locket. “For the Scharffen Berger campaign, we wanted to focus on providing a signature experience for our users.”

Since it launched just two months ago, the value-exchange mobile ad company has already created campaigns for Spotify, eBay and Sears. Locket says it is seeing CTRs as high as 9.8 per cent, with conversions for app download campaigns reaching 37 per cent.